"Shakesperiments" Semi-Monthly Rep(ertoire) Workshops
To keep up to date on this series from month to month, join our "Shakesperiments" Facebook group page: www.facebook.com/groups/728276260546745/ .
For non-Facebook users, we'll keep you up to date with announcements regarding the workshop series on this page and our home page. If you'd prefer that major announcements come directly to you via email, join our mailing list here: http://eepurl.com/bQZM9v.
These workshops are open to anyone (as performers or observers), and informal in nature.
If you are interested in performing, please email our Shakesperiments organizer Jamie at info@seoulshakespeare.com with a subject such as: "July Shakesperiments" or "August Shakesperiments" (whichever month that particular Shakesperiments is happening in). Provide your name as well as the full text of your monologue (so the audience can follow along easily).
Observers can RSVP on the Facebook event page for that month, or just show up to the event!
While this event is free, we encourage all to make a small donation (1,000-5,000KRW) to help defray the cost of the space.
General Description:
Every few months, we gather in an informal setting and people (who have signed up prior to the workshop) will perform scenes or monologues that they have been working on. These can be in various stages of readiness; they can be thoroughly rehearsed and performance ready, but they don’t need to be. If you need to hold a script or have someone on-book to prompt you, that is fine. It is up to the performers to rehearse on their own before the workshop. Actors can collaborate on a scene (either with or without a director), and aspiring directors can also initiate a project they are interested in, gathering the actors that they need.
This is a chance to try out new things, either as an actor or as a director, and (if you want) to ask the rest of the group for feedback. (If you want someone to record your scene on your smartphone or camera, we can have someone in the group do that too.) Each scene or monologue can also serve as a springboard for open discussion, in which we can share ideas and techniques that we use when performing Shakespeare. Attendees who are not performing will also have the opportunity to learn by observing and participating in discussion.
To performers, we encourage you to try new things. You are welcome to do material from roles that you are well-suited to, but we also encourage you to try roles that are non-traditional for your type, or to attempt a style that is a stretch for you. This is a chance for you to carve out new territory in your personal repertoire of material and roles, and to demonstrate things you haven’t had a chance to do yet. Try a variety of things. This workshop series is for your benefit, so do what you want with it.
Performers are greatly encouraged to focus on monologues or scenes from Shakespeare, but other classical or modern texts are also welcome.
Some reasons to get involved:
-You are preparing a monologue for future auditions and want to try it out
-You are tired of being cast in a particular type of role and want to demonstrate that you can be different
-You are a director and want to try some new material
-You’ve never directed before but want to try directing
-You are an experienced actor, but uncomfortable with Shakespeare, and want to try it in a risk-free environment, and maybe seek help from others
-You are an inexperienced actor (or have never acted before) and want some guidance in a risk-free setting
-You just want to watch the workshop and learn something new through observation and/or discussion
-You want to scope out potential scene partners for later months
-You want feedback on your performance
-You don’t want feedback, and just want to do the scene for us
-You want to try something completely ridiculous and experimental and see if it works
-You want to get some kind of specific experience (e.g. stage combat--collaborating with a fight choreographer, learning a new accent and trying it out)
-You are a fight choreographer and want to get some actors together to do a fight sequence
-You are a voice coach or have expertise in a specific accent and want to practice teaching it to actors
-You plan to audition for our next mainstage show and want to show us what you can do
-etc. (use your imagination!)
We hope to see you there!