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The Korea Times, "Seoul Shakespeare Company brings King Lear to Daehangno": 


The Korea Times, "Seoul Shakespeare Company stages 'Garage'":


Keun Soli Magazine 큰소리 매거진, "SSC's brutal Garage (차고) builds tension through character" (Theatre review):


The Korea Herald, "SSC ratchets up the drama with ‘Garage’: Seoul Shakespeare Company returns to the stage with a claustrophobic contemporary tale of grudges and recriminations.":  

Interview with Lauren Ash-Morgan (about Garage) (SSC Artistic Director, Producer, "Susan") Quote: "It is a gripping piece of theatre, and you won’t find anything else like it here in Seoul."

The Korea Herald, "A well-timed 'Winter's Tale'" (review):

TBS eFM 101.3 MHz Koreascape "People in Seoul: Shakespeare in Seoul" (Interview with SSC artistic director Lauren Ash-Morgan and The Winter's Tale director Michael Downey), April 20, 2017: (No. 1084)


The Korea Times, "Theater to present 'Winter's Tale'":

KBS World Radio, Touch Base in Seoul "Charles Jeong, Hyperrealist Painter/Shakespearean Actor":


The Korea Times, "Seoul Shakespeare Company launches fundraiser"


KBS World Radio, Touch Base in Seoul, "Actor/Artistic Director Lauren Ash-Morgan & Actor/Director Michael Downey, Seoul Shakespeare Company":


Arirang TV, K-Phile (Ep.7) "An Artistic Director in Love with Gugak":

The Korea Times, "Shakespeare Company will present acting course":


The Korea Herald, "Seoul Shakespeare Company to run acting workshop":


Teach Abroad in South Korea "Theater Review: The Seoul Shakespeare Company"

Grim's Diary: Travel Adventures in Korea, "Korea Live: Shakespeare in Seoul 'Much Ado About Nothing,'":


The Korea Herald, "‘Much Ado’ holds nothing back," [Theatre Review]:


Interview with director Michael Downey and artistic director Lauren Ash-Morgan at The Haute Hesh:


The Korea Herald, "Seoul Shakespeare Company to stage ‘Much Ado About Nothing’":


The Korea Times, "Seoul Shakespeare to present 'Much Ado'" :

The Korea Times, "Seoul Shakespeare Company's fundraising campaign targets $4,000":


Titus Andronicus official review by Kirsty Taylor, published in Groove Magazine


Karli in Korea, "Shakespeare in Seoul: An Evening in Peril with Titus Andronicus":


The Soul of Seoul Blog Review of Titus Andronicus


The Korea Herald, "'Titus Andronicus' as current as it is classic," by Paul Kerry:


Groove Magazine, "Theater of Blood," by Steward McFeat (interview with actor Brian Petersen) (May 2015 issue):


10 Magazine, "Seoul Shakespeare Company presents Titus Andronicus":


Seoul Shakespeare Company on TBS eFM's program The Bookend.  May 17, 2015 "Roundtable (Shakespeare)" and "First Chapter (Titus Andronicus)": (Their Audio On Demand seems to require Internet Explorer).  Also featured in their May 17, 2015 announcement here:  


The Korea Herald, "Shakespeare troupe to hold midwinter fund-raiser":


The Korea Herald review: "A Midsummer Night's Dream gets feminine, physical take" May 20, 2014


Karli in Korea: "Shakespeare in Seoul: Magic Unearthed with A Midsummer Night's Dream" May 21, 2014


The Korea Times: "Seoul Shakespeare Company Presents 'Hamlet'"  April 9, 2013


Korea Joongang Daily: "A Team of Talented Expats Brings 'Hamlet' to Korea" March 28, 2013


Interview on Arirang TV's "Korea Today" with Artistic Director Lindsey Higgins and Actor Kyle Johnson (pictured above)


The Korea Herald: "Seoul Shakespeare Company Hopes Tempest Will Go Down a Storm" April 10, 2012   


The Korea Herald: "Gore and Madness Awaits Expats This Halloween" October 11, 2011 


D.Festa (Daehangno Small Theater Festival) Website

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