Archive of Posts Since 2020
Please choose one of two options.
아래 두 가지 방법으로 예매가 가능합니다
Reserve tickets and pay in advance.
네이버로 손쉽게 예약하고 선결제 하는 방법
Reserve tickets through our website and pay at the door by either cash or card on the day of the performance.
서울 셰익스피어 컴패니 공식 홈페이지로 예약하고, 공연 당일 현장에서 결제하는 방법
Measure for Measure has been cast!
The Cast
(in order of appearance)
Duke Vincentio
Gentleman 1/Froth
Gentleman 2/Elbow
Mistress Overdone/Barnardine
Friar Peter/Abhorson
Martin Boswell
Josh Kroot
Jungsoo Lee
Jason Lane Cutler
Charles Jeong
Maria Silva
Keigan Adams
Amanda Conkey
Louis Groves
Rory Kelly
Jeff Wagner
Francisca Bujdák
Mark Dorman
Lauren Ramsden
Samah Adam
Jordan Brown/Jungsoo Lee
Jordan Brown
Thank you to everyone who auditioned!
Seoul Shakespeare Company Proudly Presents
DEMON IN MY VIEW : An Hour With Edgar Allan Poe
내가 보는 악마 : 에드가 앨런 포와 함께하는 한시간
Seoul Shakespeare Company returns this October with a collection of Gothic horror and dark romanticism from the works of Edgar Allan Poe!
Actors perform five of Poe's most famous poems including The Raven, exploring the themes of regret, loss and death. Two short stories are dramatized to tell the tales of guilt and revenge. The Tell-Tale Heart reveals the chilling psyche of a man who calculates a murder, and The Cask of Amontillado is a story of revenge told by a man who plots to punish his friend who insulted him.
These performances are sure to start the Halloween season off right!
*English performance with Korean subtitles*
17-6 Hangang-daero 48 gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Saturdays 8pm - Oct 8, 15
Sundays 2pm - Oct 9, 16
Tickets - 15,000 won
Reserve HERE or use NAVER Booking
서울 셰익스피어 컴패니가 에드가 앨런 포의 공포문학을 연극으로 선보입니다. 포의 고딕 호러와 어두운 낭만주의를 무대에서 만나보세요!
후회와 상실, 죽음을 노래하는 포의 가장 유명한 시 다섯 편을 배우들이 직접 낭송합니다. 극화된 두 개의 단편은 죄책감과 복수에 관한 이야기입니다. <아몬티야도 술통>은 자신을 모욕한 친구에게 복수를 계획하는 '몬트레소'의 뒤틀린 마음을, <고자질하는 심장>은 살인을 설계하는 한 남자의 소름끼치는 머릿속을 들여다 봅니다.
<내가 보는 악마>와 함께 올해 할로윈 시즌을 맞이하세요!
*한글 자막에 지원되는 영어공연입니다*
펀타스틱 씨어터
용산구 한강대로 48길 17-6
토요일 오후 8시 - 10월 8일, 15일
일요일 오후 2시 - 10월 9일, 16일
An Unfortunate Update
Dear Friends, Family, Patrons, and Followers of Seoul Shakespeare Company:
Due to the declining but still lingering effects of the COVID-19 virus in Korea and for the safety of our actors, crew members, production team, and audience members, we have decided to cancel our 2020 production of As You Like It. In addition, a number of unforeseen obstacles have made the possibility of rehearsing and performing a much more difficult task. Keeping our actors’ schedules and lives in mind, we have decided to pursue a different production for 2021. Though we were only a month and a half away, we thought it best to bring an end to the process we had worked on so diligently, but our work here is never finished, and we are committed to bringing high quality, powerful productions to audiences here in Seoul.
In a better world than this, I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
- Le Beau (As You Like It, Act I, scene 2)
Jamie Horan
Managing Director
Seoul Shakespeare Company
서울 셰익스피어 컴패니의 관객, 후원자, 동료분들께 알려드립니다.
장기화되고 있는 코로나19 사태와 관련하여 저희는 배우와 스텝, 관객분들의 안전을 최우선으로 고려하고자, 예정작 ‘뜻대로 하세요’의 공연을 취소하기로 결정하였습니다.
배우들의 일정과 극단의 계획에 맞추어, 2021년에 새로운 작품으로 돌아올 예정입니다. 개막을 두달도 남기지 않은 시점이라 가슴이 아프지만, 주어진 상황에서 내린 최선의 결정이라 생각합니다.
당분간의 휴식이 끝은 아닙니다. 서울 셰익스피어 컴패니는 계속해서 관객분들께 최고의 공연을 선보이기 위해 노력하겠습니다.
“...지금보다 더 나은 세상에서, 그대를 더 사랑하고, 더 알게 되기를 바랍니다.”
- 제이미 호런 (서울 셰익스피어 컴패니 운영 감독)
Show Dates!
With the increased rate of COVID-19 infections in February and March, Seoul Shakespeare Company decided to put their work on the 2020 production of As You Like It on hiatus until we started to see more stability. As we believe things are starting to return to normal, we'd like to announce show dates and the venue for this year's main stage production.
As You Like It will run October 10-11, 17-18, and 24-25 (7:00 pm), with two shows on October 17 and 24 (3:00 and 7:00 pm) at Spring Theater (극장봄), located near Hansung University Station. Have a safe and happy summer, and we'll see you in October!
Seoul Shakespeare Company is happy to announce auditions for our next spring production:
As You Like It
directed by Jamie Horan
(This information is also available on our Facebook event page:)
Audition Dates:
Saturday December 7th, 1:00-5:00pm
Sunday December 8th, 1:00-5:00pm
(Call backs Sunday December 15th, 1:00-5:00pm.)
Location: Our rehearsal space near Sungshin Women's University Station (성신여대입구역) (Line #4) (see directions below)
Actors of all experience levels are welcome to audition. We are looking for a strong ensemble of actors who function well in a collaborative environment. This year we are not asking for prepared monologues. Auditionees will be asked to read from sides. The sides will be posted here approximately one week before auditions. They do not need to be memorized. We highly recommend getting some familiarity with the entire play before the audition, through reading the play and/or watching a variety of productions on video.
At least one character in this play sings. We will give all auditionees an opportunity to sing something in the audition if they wish (just a few bars, unaccompanied). Also, if you play a musical instrument, please bring it to the audition if possible.
To schedule your audition, email with your name, phone number, and preferred audition time.
AUDITION TIMES (choose 1):
Saturday December 7th:
B: 2:00-2:50pm
C: 3:00 - 3:50pm
D: 4:00 - 4:50pm
Sunday December 8th:
B: 2:00-2:50pm
C: 3:00 - 3:50pm
D: 4:00 - 4:50pm
***Please arrive approximately 15 minutes before your audition time. There will be an audition form to fill out in the stairwell while you are waiting. (The rehearsal room will be a comfortable temperature, but the stairwell will be cold, so please dress accordingly.) Remember to allow yourself extra time to find the space.
Address: 4-8 Dongseong-dong, 1(il)-ga, Seongbuk-Gu (성북구 동선동 1가 4-8번지), 4th floor
Sungshin Women's University Station (성신여대입구역) (subway line #4).
Go out Exit 1. Turn right at the first major pedestrian street (at KB bank, just after Innisfree). Walk about 150 yards. Turn right at Tony Moly. Walk about 50 yards to Glow Bar or 7080 Bar on the right. Come up to the 4th floor.
Go out Exit 2 and walk straight (down the tree-lined street) for about 120 yards. Turn left at the Emart 24. Walk about 50 yards to Glow Bar or 7080 Bar on the left (look for the signs up high as you approach). Come up to the 4th floor.
(Exit 2 was recently built and is quicker and more pleasant. Exit 1 may be more familiar to those who have been to the space before.)
TWO critically acclaimed original plays performed in repertory,
with performances by the original playwrights.
Co-produced by Seoul Shakespeare Company and Speech of Fire
평단의 찬사를 받은 두 편의 창작극이 곧 무대에 오릅니다. 레퍼토리로 교차 공연되며,
원작자가 직접 참여합니다
극단 ‘서울 셰익스피어 컴패니’와 ‘스피치 오브 파이어’가 공동제작합니다
이미지를 클릭하시면 공연 관련 페이지로 이동합니다:
Upcoming Classes
Autumn Session 1: October 23-November 16
Autumn Session 2: November 20-December 21
Acting Shakespeare's Text
Saturdays, 2:00-3:50pm
Movement & Ensemble
Saturdays, 12:00-1:50pm
Rehearsing Shakespearean
Monologues & Scenes
Saturdays, 4:00-6:50pm
Gugak: Movement & Voice
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:50pm
Co-hosted by Seoul Shakespeare Company and Speech of Fire
Our most recent mainstage:
Seoul Shakespeare Company
Shakespeare's masterpiece
King Lear
리어 왕
May 18-19, 25-26, and June 1-2, 2019
At Theater Egg and Nucleus (알과핵 소극장) in Daehangno (대학로), Seoul.
영어로 공연되는 작품이며, 한글자막이 지원됩니다.
Click here to visit the show page for more information: