Local Business Sponsorships
Starting this year, Seoul Shakespeare Company hopes to develop mutually beneficial relationships between our theatre company and local businesses, giving businesses the opportunity to sponsor our shows in exchange for advertising in our shows' printed programs and through our website and social media.
Why become a local business sponsor?
Reach new audiences through advertising in our printed programs and through our website and social media.
Publicly show your support for local theatre, building goodwill among potential customers in the community.
What kinds of audiences do we reach?
Each of our productions includes several months of marketing and outreach to our community of audience members, reaching new people every year. At other times of the year, we keep an active presence online with smaller events. We typically attract around 1,000 audience members for our Spring mainstage shows, and of course reach many more through our marketing, which includes our Facebook page (2,900+ followers), annual crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo, our main website, our email list (approx. 500 members), contacts among international schools and the press, posters and flyers, and small local events leading up to the mainstage show. Most of our audience members are English-speaking expats and Korean people with an interest in English and foreign cultures.
How long is the sponsorship period?
Your sponsorship will begin as soon as you want, and will be valid for one year (12 months). We will promote your business online for the duration of the year, and your advertisement will be printed in the program of our mainstage show for that year.
How are the funds used?
Each performance that we give relies on a combination of donations and ticket sales to pay for the theatre space, rehearsal space, costumes, props, set, and printing. All contributions go directly into our productions, the main expense being theatre rental for our Spring mainstage show. Every year, fundraising events (e.g. small performances and parties) and donations from individual donors (through Indiegogo) make up a significant portion of our budget for our mainstage production. The rest is made up through ticket sales. Our shows are made up entirely of volunteers, and all money raised is used for our productions.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum: ₩300,000 (Large ad image)
You will get:
1) A full page color ad in our mainstage show's printed program,
2) A large-size ad (with a link to your website) on our home page for 1 year,
3) A large-size permanent ad (with a link to your website) on our mainstage show's webpage as a sponsor of that production,
4) A shoutout on our Facebook timeline,
5) Inclusion in a list of sponsors in our mass emails for the entire sponsorship year
Gold: ₩200,000 (Medium ad image)
You will get:
1) A half-page color ad in our mainstage show's printed program,
2) A medium-size ad (with a link to your website) on our home page for 1 year,
3) A medium-size permanent ad (with a link to your website) on our mainstage show's webpage as a sponsor of that production
4) A shoutout on our Facebook timeline
5) Inclusion in a list of sponsors in our mass emails for the entire sponsorship year
Silver: ₩100,000 (Small ad image)
You will get:
1) A quarter-page color ad in our mainstage show's printed program,
2) A small-size ad (with a link to your website) on our home page for 1 year,
3) A small-size permanent ad (with a link to your website) on our mainstage show's webpage as a sponsor of that production
4) A shoutout on our Facebook timeline
5) Inclusion in a list of sponsors in our mass emails for the entire sponsorship year
Bronze: ₩50,000 (Text)
You will get:
1) Inclusion in a list of sponsors (text only, no ad image) in our mainstage show's printed program,
2) Inclusion in a list of sponsors (with a link to your website) on our home page for 1 year,
3) Inclusion in a permanent list of sponsors (with a link to your website), on our mainstage show's webpage as a sponsor of that production
4) A shoutout on our Facebook timeline
5) Inclusion in a list of sponsors in our mass emails for the entire sponsorship year
How to Become a Sponsor
1) Email us at info@seoulshakespeare.com. Let us know which sponsorship level you would like (Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze), and send us your ad image for our program and website (or, for Bronze level, how you would like your business's name to appear in our list of sponsors). Let us know the web address you would like us to link to on our website.
2) We will send you our bank information so that you can make a bank transfer.
3) Once the transfer is completed, we will add your advertisement to our website, and your 1-year sponsorship will begin. (No need to do anything after that; we'll handle everything from there, putting your ad in our mass emails, printed programs, etc. When the year runs out, we'll email you again to see if you'd like to renew.)
To Learn More About Us
Show page for our most recent production, The Merchant of Venice:
Learn more about Seoul Shakespeare Company on our "About" page: